illustration of three people communicating

How to Apply for DDA Services

To receive services from the Developmental Disabilities Administration, an individual must be determined eligible (having a condition that meets DDA’s developmental disability criteria); and, have an assessed need for services.

In addition, DDA must have available funding. This is a significant factor for non-entitlement services, such as DDA’s Home and Community Based Services waivers. It is not a factor for entitlement services, such as Community First Choice.

If you are determined eligible for services and there is no available funding or you choose not to request services, you will be placed on the No Paid Services (NPS) caseload. It is very important to request the services you or loved one needs. When new funding becomes available, DDA looks at those who have requested services. It’s called a Service Request List.

Need help? Learn more online.

Applying for DDA Services in Washington State
Learn the basic criteria and steps for determining DDA eligibility. Includes printable PDF version.

DDA Eligibility Flow Chart (PDF)
An overview of the process to apply for DDA eligibility and services.

Request services through Developmental Disabilities Administration’s online Information & Service Request form. For individuals who have already been determined eligible for DDA, this form offers an easy way to request services.

Getting a Determination of Eligibility from DDA to become a DDA Client

To apply for a determination of DDA eligibility, you will find detailed instructions and the forms you need to complete a DDA eligibility packet, found on DDA’s website. The packet can be mailed to you or you can download them. If you call for an application, some information will be taken over the phone. The application and additional information and forms will be mailed to you for completion and/or signature.

You will be asked to provide any available school or medical records or sources of information that will assist in determining eligibility. Copies of other documents may be required. Upon request, DDA staff can assist you with completing the application. Please be aware that eligibility cannot be determined until DDA receives your signed application and all of the necessary information.

Programs Funded by the Developmental Disabilities Administration

Some programs funded by the Developmental Disabilities Administration include: