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We Provide Employment Supports for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities

Asotin County Community Services connects individuals with disabilities to employment pathways.

Since 1973 Asotin County Community Services (ACCS) has provided pathways to employment for people with disabilities. The job search is led by the job seeker based on the individual’s aptitude and abilities, with the goal of finding the best employee/employer match.  ACCS connects students to paid work experiences through WA Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), provides long-term employment supports through Washington Developmental Disabilities Administration, assists job seekers with placement of a permanent job through DVR or Foundational Community Supports.

Asotin County Community Services provides long-term employment/day services to eligible individuals age 21 and over through funding from Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). Services may include:

Individual Supported Employment: discovery (identifying interests, strengths, needs), assessment, job preparation, job placement & coaching;

Group Supported Employment: supervised employment for groups of no more than 8 workers with disabilities in the same setting;

Community Inclusion: participation in activities that promote individualized skill development, independent living and community integration.

If your high school student experiences a developmental disability, defined as a disability that originates before the age of eighteen, and which constitutes a substantial limitation to activities of daily living, contact your local DDA office for provider information by calling 509.751.4634 or email via the button below:

Asotin County Community Services assists high-school students and adults with disabilities who have barriers to employment.

This is made possible through funding from the Washington State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR). DVR services are not long-term. Their purpose is to provide the necessary tools and assistance for initial job placement and (if needed) to aid transition to long-term supports outside DVR (such as DDA).

Services may include: counseling & guidance; trial work experience; community-based assessment; benefits planning; assistive technology; job-related services such as completing applications, developing a resume, practicing interview skills, conducting a job search, gaining job skills; and transition to DDA long-term supports.

Washington State DVR-Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) partners with school districts to help students receiving high school transition services prepare for and find employment.

Connect with a DVR Case Manager by calling 509.780.7687 or email through the button below:

Preparing Students for Entering the World of Work and Independent Living

Any student currently attending or enrolled in an education program, ages 14-21, with an IEP, a 504 plan, or a documented disability, may participate in Group Pre-ETS Services. Group Pre-ETS Services include self-advocacy training, counseling of post-secondary education, work place readiness training, and work based learning experiences. The goal is to prepare students for entering the world of work and living independently after they graduate. Students 16-21 may be referred for Individual Pre-ETS services which include authorization for paid work experiences. Connect with Washington Pre-Employment Transition Group Services at 1-800-363-4700.

Washington State Healthcare Authority's Foundation Community Supports (FCS) helps our most vulnerable beneficiaries get and keep stable housing and employment, in support of their broader health needs. FCS is also referred to as Initiative 3 of the Healthier Washington Medicaid Transformation. Local providers of supported employment include Asotin County Community Services and Quality Behavioral Health (QBH). QBH also offers housing supports through FCS. Asotin-Garfield County Community Services is working with individuals referred by FCS right now!

Who is eligible for Foundation Community Supports?

Individuals who qualify for Medicaid and individuals who meet the requirements for complex needs including traumatic brain injuries, chronic homelessness, diagnosis of disability after age 18, enrolled in the state housing and essential needs (HEN) or aged, blind or disabled (ABD) program, single mental health diagnosis.