
School to Work

Students & Adults With Disabilities Have the Right to Work!

Employment First is a powerful initiative that believes everyone, regardless of ability, has the right to meaningful employment. For families with children who have disabilities—from minor to severe, and in between—this approach opens up new doors, offering opportunities they may not have thought possible. Employment First provides resources, support, and pathways to help individuals with disabilities find jobs that align with their strengths and interests. With the right tools and community backing, even those who once doubted their ability to work can discover fulfilling careers and greater independence. It's about creating possibilities and empowering individuals and families to see that meaningful work is achievable for everyone.

Students and adults with disabilities acquire the skills they need to succeed in interviewing, landing, and retaining a job. They are supported on the job as they work toward independence. Community employers who hire individuals with disabilities receive a tax break for their business.

  • You CAN work without losing disability benefits.
  • Independence and transition from home to the community is achievable.
  • Transportation to/from job is available.

Students with documented disabilities 16+ are invited to participate in Asotin-Garfield Employment 4 All’s summer youth employment program, which is a paid work-based training program to prepare youth to graduate with a job. Students may work up to 120 hours in the summer, earning Washington minimum wage. Insurance coverage for the student in a paid work-based experience is provided through Asotin-Garfield Community Services. Vocational Rehabilitation pays the student wages.

For more information contact Fred Deibel at Asotin-Garfield Employment 4 All at 509-758-8349.